Monday, May 28, 2012

Jurlique- entry strategy

Jurlique International, an Australian-based company, is famous for creating and providing the skin care products from the purest, most natural and organic ingredients. Jurlique has been committed to internationalization with a huge number of stores and retail outlets around 22 countries in the world. The quality of products and the capital of Jurlique help guarantee its   success in international markets.

Two strategies are chosen to enter Italian market such as (1) Direct exporting through Internet selling and using local pharmacies and (2) Franchising the “Retail and Treatments Store” with Spa service.

The communication strategy mainly aims at creating and raising brand awareness of Jurlique as a luxury beauty skincare brand without harsh chemicals, as an Australian well-established brand in international markets and as a combination of nature and science. Supporting media are used to reach new customers, to announce the upcoming presence of Jurlque in the market and to provide Italian consumers with more information of different product ranges and promotional offers. The main message to be sent is: “Jurlique produces the purest, safest and most effective skincare in the world”. Some particular messages are designed to aim at two target groups, including organic consumers and brand-oriented consumers.

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